Monday, May 10, 2010

Q&A with a Wildkin

"Welcome back to the set of Dungeons and Dragons 4th edition. Today we have the rare priveledge of interviewing a young wildkin. He was discovered by a party of adventurers that were far from the beaten path on some wild adventure that they have chosen not to divulge. ...and here he is."

"Hello, what is your name?"

"Hello, and welcome. I am the Monastery."

"Oh, do mean that you are a monastery or that your name is actually Monatery?"

...long pause...

"...well, I'm not sure what the difference is."

"Ah, thats okay. Where are you from?"

"I am from... here. Although the only remaining evidence of my existence are the flagstones of the training hall, and... well... me I guess."

"Oh, yes! As I kick some grass aside I can see that this rectangular clearing is indeed paved with stones beneath the grass."

"Anyway, do you have a family, or do you live here alone?"

"We all live here alone, yes."

...strange pause...

"So, you say this used to be... or I mean... you used to be a monastery that stood right here?"


"Well then, what happened to you, and... well the monks?"

"The monks were all killed the same day that the buildings burned. It was a very cold winter morning when the fire giants from the mountains over there...", the wildkin gestures to some nearby mountains. "...came thundering through and just burned everything and everyone. I guess someone really got them upset, and they began to rampage around the area destroying anyone or anything they could find."

"After four centuries of gleaning wisdom and knowledge from the balance it was all burned in one morning."

The air is so thick around the wildkin that the tragic injustice of the story can be felt in the air.

"Since that day I have stood here watching this spot disappear from the world. I only wish I could bring the knowledge, hidden in me, back to the world. But I am so weak. I cannot even bring this small glade back into balance."

..long pause while the leaves of the wildkin quiver in the stillness...

"I... am so sorry to hear of your loss. Perhaps you could take up with a party of adventurers, and find a place to rebuild yourse..."

The wildkin suddenly stops quivering, and his eyes begin to dart about like a child that has walked into his first toy store.

"Yes! That is exactly what we must do. We will must bring my knowledge back to the world. ...And look here come some fire giants now."

With that the wildkin grabs the arms of interviewer and his cameraman, and strides right into the camp fire giants shouting challenges as he goes.

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